Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Bio energetic habit #1

I find one quick habit to be my most effective technique for generating energy in the morning. Go outside, look at the bright blue sky or fiery sun. The universal body and I connect in direct beams of white light. We collaborate to access bio available energy. Wake up impulses happen.  An energetic shift occurs and I am awake. I enjoy drinking and eating breakfast much more if I am already energized.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


If I'm concerned with balancing things I know with things I know...

Is this in itself an imbalanced perspective?

What is a more fundamental perspective on balance?

Balancing the known with the unknown.  Or as Maslow pointed towards, certainty and uncertainty are both a human need.

Here are a couple exciting questions to ask.

Do my lenses of perception allow aspects of my self and life that I'm not yet consciously aware of to emerge?  Or do I stay attached to knowing and get stressed/scared about not knowing instead of excited about it?

How do I handle uncertainty?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What makes a bicycle rider go fast?

Some Basic Physics

speed is a result of power output minus resistance.

Having a light bike with skinny tires is one way, albeit the most costly, that people reduce resistance and increase their speed.  But the amount of resistance you can reduce using this method is small, and futile, compared to simply deciding to build a better engine while increasing comfort and athletic positioning.

A couple reflections

Assuming the same power output from my legs, riding a mountain bike in an aerodynamic position will result in going as fast or faster than if I were riding the most expensive road racing bike in the world in a half - upright (45degree) riding position.

Having a bicycle that fits you reasonably well and has a clean, working drive train with plenty of gears (chain, cogs, cables) is all you need to build your motor. Your motor consists of leg, lung and heart conditioning which can best be practiced riding up hills. Gain an affinity relationship with hills and gravity. Riding fast on flat ground and in general becomes easier after practicing on hills. If you can go 8-10mph up a moderate, 4% gradient hill, you can easily go 17-20+mph on the flats. Additionally, if you ride up a big hill in 5 minutes, the upcoming downhill section will allow you cover more distance in less time, getting you to your destination fast. Speed will increase over time with work and practice. Enjoy the process from within before relying on a fancy bike to get you there, because it alone won't, but your body on a functioning bike, will.

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Labor
of Love
we trade
is Success.

Feel the Joy.

Friday, July 3, 2015

The main problem and solution identified simply

You're invited to be and think on the mark of truth. Of ecstatic awareness.

Be aware however, that the ultimate truth is often perceived as a threat to the egoic state of mind, the lizard brain, so there is resistance. Be aware of it and move on.

So here is the main problem as outlined by a selfish person and a mystic. Or for analogy, by Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

Eckhart Tolle states "thinking without awareness is the main dilemma of human existence."

Any Rand states " an unfocused mind is the root of all evil" 

How scared are you for the compulsive mind to cease controlling your life? I mean what would you fill space of the now with?

So we can all learn to agree that

choosing to channel our awareness in a way that feels better based on the supreme value of Life, 

is the cause to tap into the eternal courageous nature of a human being's declaration of love for life.

Feel it and Live it!

You can do it!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The most natural way to cure saddle sores, acne while simultaneously gaining powerful healthy

Another opportunity to light up any darkness.

Saddle sores, acne and athletes foot, all from not getting enough sun and ventilation.

So I Go somewhere I won't be arrested for taking off all my clothes, and expose the affected area directly to the sun.  This simply feels very healthy for me at anytime not only with saddle sores.  No sunscreen allowed!  Eat some whole, colorful plant foods, that is natures sunscreen.

Luckily in San Diego we have blacks beach where people can connect in entirety to the Sun of God.

The organ that is our skin likes it.

It feels liberating and that some people have areas of skin that will never directly absorb sunlight is insane! If we mummify our body Its clear why one would get sick and rigid.

the spontaneous connection

Do you ever see someone who you want to talk to but get caught in your head about the approach?

Follow the Inner-action for an interaction. 

"I want to say Hi
And It's difficult to say exactly why.
I could see us being friends
at least for a minute

sharing ideas
and laughing a lot. "

What motives could I have for this urge of connection?
A few of many facets of attractiveness. 

Physical appearance
Mental frequency
Degree of flow or stress
Heart openness
Communication style
Relationship Cultivation

How often do I feel impelled to reach out to a 'stranger' but hold myself back for some reason?

There's a difference between being invasive and inviting people to be. Invasion seems to happen when we are attached to expectations, illusions, or one way of experiencing life. Invitation to be true happens in being open to experiencing what is happening.

The only thing I expect is being open to the most powerful synchronicity that come from the law of the most high. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Perpendicular to the rut

The rut is when I get stuck doing something easy and comfortable.  Only with awareness and intention can I see the rut. The ego likes to pretend there is no rut.  With the power of F'un we can transform uncomfortable to Funcomfortable, and create a new, fun way.  The shift is as easy as perceiving fear as excitement instead.  Boredom as opportunity.

for example today I made a mate latte instead of coffee and its a worthwhile shift to gratefully absorb that different mineral profile. Last mid night I rode 20 miles in the rain instead of taking the train, because my body and mind were open to that adventure.  I started chewing gum to clean my teeth and move my face muscles differently.  I started doing back and shoulder exercises that feel amazing!I started chanting and singing mantras.

It's all happening.

What's next?  I'm game. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sunmerge - Sunscreen is for sheeple

Rub Rub Rub, swipe, swipe.

The sound of applying sunscreen.

I'm yet to meet someone who likes putting it on.

I would prefer California Avocado on my skin.  Or fresh kelp. Or coconut oil.

Truthfully, the sun is amazing why would I choose to screen it out?

Introducing Sunmerge.

Sunmerge is another example of obeying natural scientific laws and experiencing winning results. We can care for the skin organ, as our entire mind body system, by eating a diet rich in beautiful fruits and vegetables and spring water. Swimming in the mineral rich ocean or river regularly, and using algae or kelp for an occasional moisturizing scrub can help on top of that.

Try these tips and update me on your results.

The light of sun and richness of the earth grows the bounty that allows me to embrace the sun in return.

Sunmerge tactics are fun, healthy and they work.  It's scientifically proven that vitamin E, cartenoids and phytochemicals in fresh produce protect the skin from sun burn. And as with anything, practice.  15 minutes today, 3 hours next month, all day eventually.

One common objection is: "what about older people with leathery skin? I don't want that." Consider that they are leathery because they have a poor diet, alcoholic or smoker habits.   Also, I'm not promoting over exposure.  Simply, embracing the right amount of sun for our personal situation.  And Our situation can always be changed. Emotion follows action.

Without getting too detailed, the main point I want to make is that this works for me - I have not used sunscreen in years and my skin responds amazingly to sun.  Don't forget that a hat and long sleeves are also an alternative to using sunscreen and sitting under trees or in the shade is also a part of the sunmerge lifestyle.

  • Cartenoids beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin best known for vision protection. Recently found by a study in Korea to "significantly reduce skin inflammatory responses". a strong antioxidant that may defend against some of the deleterious effects of solar radiation."
  • Concentrated Lutein sources: Dark Leafy Greens - spinach, dandelion, collards, chard, mustard and turnip greens, kale. beta carotene and mineral rich foods include carrots, yams.
  • My experience is that eating abundant, unlimited organic plant,herbs is the way to go rather than focus too much on the nutritional data

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Toxicologists nightmare or Mind Body fitness opportunity?

Yes. USA's combustion engine commuting habits as a poisonous insanity.

And I get it, it's comfortable.

Bored, fat, and sick as hell, but comfortable.

Addicted to the undervalued inconvenience of gas pumps, a slow rape to human health and longevity, to the planet earths marvelous atmosphere and air quality.

This, friends, is why I have ridden a bicycle almost every day for the last several years. And why I smile so big when I see all the people I know who also ride every day!

Because its fun, and full of excitement, new experiences. Including being sexy as can be. Inside and out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

If you disagree with me...

Can you still remain present and positively engaged?

Agree or not, or somewhere in between, I invite you to share.

Life would get boring to only be around people who agree all the time.  But if you do, that is fine too!

I enjoy the practice of authentically disagreeing.  Especially when both parties engage their curious amazement of life, expanding awareness and remaining in human harmony while at the same time embracing different opinions.

I suppose this is a big part of what maturity is.


I hate drinking coffee when I'm tired!

I love fresh roasted coffee when I'm wide awake!

Thank God coffee is part of my balanced super food cornucopia.  And for all the craft coffee companies that have created clean, inviting spaces to provide holistic earthy supplements for cyclists, runners, cross fitters, artists and change makers.  I noticed these first rate coffee spots don't really attract the worst type of coffee drinker.  The yawner.

The yawner relies on coffee as their primary energy source.  The yawner allows coffee to be a drug that fuels mediocrity. Similar to when the sex ed teacher warns against unprotected sex while under the influence, the yawner has no real confidence in their ability and relies on drugs to mask their identity in a kind of stimulated haze.

Inspired humans enjoy coffee as a supplement to their primary, enjoyable, graceful health habits that further fuels their purpose.

The inspired human normally enjoys Gods primary gifts first upon waking.  pure water, fruit, conscious focus, moving the body, smiling, hugging, breathing, stretching, meditation, whole foods, whatever works to prime the temple for a sustainable day.

Then, tea or coffee is an herbal, magical catalyst to further increase our experience of life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Permission to manifest a desire

Everybody has experience with the law of attraction   This is where our predominant thought patterns are a filter through which the unlimited grace of reality transform and manifest as emotions, energy and physical form.

In my clearxperience, there is a certain mindset that determines whether or not certain desires manifest.

Permission.  If I really desire a thing deeply enough, I'll give myself permission to be, act and attract it. I give myself permission to embody an energy state required to manifest the desire. Its basically another way to describe choice and decision.

If we really want something, and are living on the positive side of life, we give ourselves permission to get it, and then we are free to get it.

Desire without permission is self imposed prison. When there is no permission, I hold back.  In other words, permission is making a decision... I simply resonate with the concept of self permission. Perhaps because I was still used to seeking permission from outside sources.  Perhaps because I was brain stained to believe a higher power was only outside of me, which made me separate, or even less, and I had to ask for its permission.

Desire with permission is liberation. Inner Freedom.
Now my brain is washed.  A higher power is in me, keeps my heart beating.  I embody it as a tool, which I focus and sharpen according to my goals.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Whole World Family

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the 'universe'.  He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings, as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few people near us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

Quote by Albert Einstein

Monday, April 20, 2015

Kids these days

I flopped on my sandals and hopped on my mountain bike to ride to the public library to do some work. On the way I saw an emerging homosexual middle schooler hunched over, apparently suffering from ED, emotional dysfunction.  His dejected posture revealed an obvious inability to communicate effectively with himself, the universe, and to women or anyone save his BFF's who stick with the topic of murderous video games. Honest communication is so difficult while under pressure.  And anything other than staring at a smartphone or mentally blanking out at a teacher wanking out a biased history lesson could be considered stress.

"Hi, I see that you're waiting helplessly for your Mommy to pick you up?"

"uh. ahh. Yeah"

"Drop the fear act.  I know...You're not used to people saying the truth straight up, you are used to , hi how are you fine ."


"I'm looking to sell this old bicycle of mine, and the person who trades me their money acquires a vehicle that beacons in comparison to green paper and your current state of powerlessness."


"If you buy this bike, you can own your power to get to and from school, become a man, stop polluting the air.

"When she picks me up I gotta go right away"

"Most people don't perform well under stress.  When you get this bike, you'll begin transformation into the 1%.  You've got the build of a climber and will smash up the local Strava leaderboards within two years. You'll perform under great stress and succeed, kid.  Don't you want to succeed? "

"Let me ask my Mom, will you be around tomorrow?"

"I don't know, kid. Sometimes you gotta make your own decisions.  Follow your gut, kid."

Now, as I write this in the Library, another kid is on speaker phone to a friend. A guy with shin high white tubular socks cherishes the opportunity to remind the youngster of classic rules.

Times are always a changing.

Join the vibrancy party shifting $342,000,000,000.00 in drugs to food medicine

I'm not saying to give up your drug habits, because

I use natural drugs in the form of plants and exercise. I love good coffee, and heart work ins (hard work outs), both of which are a progression from my addictive past of over consuming alcohol, cannabis and occasionally amphetamines.  Which I've used my personal power to move beyond in order to thrive in a life oriented manner.

The truth is that by doing great things for (y)our body and the world, we merge back into homeostasis by the motive power of a radical awareness.  The result is giving up attachment and need of drugs.

What can you all do?

Join the crew of truth seekers who are currently restoring natural health levels and the respectability of a productive resource economy by shifting $342 Billion a year on legal drugs to experiencing the benefits of herbal and medicinal plant based foods.

The time is now, to re-claim powerful health creating habits.  Otherwise farmers will slowly go out of business and humans in America will become dependent on chemical companies to sustain a pathetic level of life, or bed rest.

Do you wish to see more hospitals or more farms and wild food forests?

More chemicals in the water supply or fresh water to swim in?

We can do our part by eating organic healing foods, free of  conventional toxic chemicals that are causing retardation and disease.

Smiling cheerfully and spreading the good truth!

Ask suppliers if they raise food organically without pesticides, herbicides and GMO seeds. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The invisible principle with visible results

I have a habit to help use the invisible creative principle more effectively.  Seeking to understand it by using the following phrase in the presence of a physical form.

"There is an invisible principle behind this ________(existent). By studying this creation I now know more about the invisible."  - Marlene Oaks

Physics, mathematics and other systems of principles are invisible and their products are visible and reliable.

Through observation I am understanding the workings of the spirit creation principle.

Not only of intelligence making carrots shaped like  a walking person.

But the power of the word - word being a creative thought - principle of spirit manifestation.

When spirit and my conscious mind initiate its seed thought pattern, that is actualized into my subconscious, which is focused through the lens of my perceptions. So I better make my perceptions focused on the true principle of manifestation and unlimited intelligence, so my form and identity becomes in line with what I desire.

For years I experienced this principle playing out in hell - terror nightmares, teeth grinding, wetting the bed, progressing into hangovers, heart attack and acute injuries. I had for some time, a filter of perception that was using the powerful energy of spirit against me.

For the past years I've been applying this principle in the opposite, heavenly way.  Changing form hell to heaven is available using the same principle of spirit creation - manifestation. Just the focus of my lens has changed.

It's happening.

Full natty, super fit trainer gives holistic happiness advice

"One moment at the time I become present through all my senses and I become a silent but alert observer of everything including my thinker.  One now at the time I ask my self how can I have the beautiful moment and then I listen for the answer and match it with an action. " - Marko Dresevic


A significant technique PFT Marko Dresevic uses is asking empowering questions, and done with regularity, becomes an automatic happiness oriented thinking process.

What we think is based on questions we ask, so choosing empowering questions is essential to achieve a self-empowered energy state.

A big thanks to Marko for sharing his insight.

Here are some of my personal reflections:

Am I enjoying the wonder of my senses to observe the reality around me?
Am I observing my my current heart and mind set?
What does the lens of my mind believe beauty to be?
Am I asking myself how I can have beautiful moments?
How can I respond to others to perpetuate these beautiful energy cycles?

A habit that we choose to repeat becomes automatically repeated as our internal programming. What we commit to becomes our our energetic reality.

Choice is always our key to enduring success.

Friday, April 17, 2015

I got engaged, to raise saints

Surprise! I'm engaged! I'm engaged to life and honoring natural laws. Engaged in health and human ability to heal itself into powerful health and satisfying relationships of joy.

Yes, sometimes I feel disengaged. That's because our life is full of polarity. One hour of disengagement is so heavy, that it's enormous weight is necessary to balance prolonged experiences of passionate engagement, which are light, yet weigh tons in terms of emotional satisfaction. These emotions mean my life is an important contribution to the well being of people and therefore nature. 

The health level of people and nature are mirrors.

So when I feel dis-anything, even depressed, my practice is to dive in to that with full acceptance and awe because the more I feel it, the bigger perspective and motivation I gain, and the quicker it dissolves.

This is the quality of erudition: deciding to use awareness of what exists in our experiences to develop great knowledge and learning, joy and full engagement.

So fiance’s are engaged to each other. But are they engaged to loving their own very nature of creating powerful health? Or do they putter around with a mind focused on entertainment, spewing exhaust into the planet and their relationship?  To what degree do I conceive paramount ideas as completely separate? ie: can I authentically be engaged to another person without considering my personal level of engagement to reality?

Does my awareness allow ideas merge ?

 Like, what if we are dedicated to the idea of engaging into life in an orgasmic sensation of vibrancy.  Imagine the quality of a partnership engagement created from that foundation!

Why does this matter?
Because our mission as humans is to be engaged in the process of raising saints. Saints are engaged in life. Be honest about the degree and quality of your ecstatically engaged experiences. Can you decide now to become a saint and be there for raising saints? You deserve it and the natural laws demand it. Decide. Be. Do!

There was a point where my perception was focused poorly and I was not feeling engaged with the vibrant life force.  An effective solution to diffusing the lies of limiting beliefs is by tuning the mind, heart and awareness into the honest ideas of existence and life intelligence. As we chose to value.. establish and build the foundation of engagement with life energy through achievement of sufficient desired feelings, engagement of all kinds improve their depth and expression.

What we perceive, we achieve.

How do you perceive your current energy?

What feelings do you perceive when you go to bed and wake up?

These are a result of what we are engaged in.

Choose my programming, achieve my choice.

Its simple.

And fun.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Natural flow, vibrancy and longevity

Nature is simple and flowing.
Why complicate it and cause disease?  

When people get bored of an imposed limiting awareness they find it attractive to become stimulated by drama and horror in a subconscious drive to feel something easily which results in biology succumbing to the simple nature which it tried to ignore.  I keep seeing old people who can hardly walk.  Young people continuing the trend of hunching, storing wasteful energy in the form of tension.  

Tension + toxic chemicals = disease. Period.

The opportunity is to transmute this energy into freedom and expansion.

Then I see 92 year old people who are walking, flexible, even singing.  These are the ones whose radical awareness displays what happens wen one obeys natural, simple laws. They breathe deeply, they stretch, they love their body and they love nature.

Moving the body and spine, volitional breathing and focused thoughts, pursuing dreams, laughing!

Love or indifference? Plant foods or animal slavery? Bicycles or toxic car exhaust? Which do you value and to what degree?


The seed of fitness

You all!  The reason I'm doing this is to provide energetic value.  Value in terms of living more emotionally satisfied, in fitness.

Let's keep the main thing the main thing by observing our experiences and desired feelings.

Fitness is a result of focused energy.  So I focus my energy on fitness because it is epic, desired. To me fitness is the ability to maintain engagement. Values are chosen when there is an alternative.  The alternative to engaged fitness is indifference, weakness and disease. 

People either establish empowering or limiting energetic looping habits.  What type of energetic habits do you prefer?

The clear choice for me is physical, mental fitness. This requires allowing spiritual force to energize me which demands becoming aware of and removing limiting thought patterns that block the natural flow.

Physical fitness includes having a strong and loving heart, athletic performance, flexibility and awesome posture at any age. 

What is required for fitness?
Mental spiritual fitness requires a radical awareness of that which exists and its identity. Radical, genuine honesty and joyfully pursuing  habits of growth and significant connection.

I invite you to focus and communicate the ideas which feel strong to you because they cause powerful engagement. At first, this will be uncomfortable. You will be scared.  

Remind yourself that you want to feel alive, not cowardly.  Be your self and inspire. Choose epic ______. Fill in the blank with what you desire.

Yogis call focused fitness meditation.  I call this being real and awesome at what we decide on or are called to pursue by reason and/or a higher power.  Loving and living the ultimate.

What is your definition of fitness?