Surprise! I'm engaged! I'm engaged to life and honoring natural laws. Engaged in health and human ability to heal itself into powerful health and satisfying relationships of joy.
Yes, sometimes I feel disengaged. That's because our life is full of polarity. One hour of disengagement is so heavy, that it's enormous weight is necessary to balance prolonged experiences of passionate engagement, which are light, yet weigh tons in terms of emotional satisfaction. These emotions mean my life is an important contribution to the well being of people and therefore nature.
The health level of people and nature are mirrors.
So when I feel dis-anything, even depressed, my practice is to dive in to that with full acceptance and awe because the more I feel it, the bigger perspective and motivation I gain, and the quicker it dissolves.
The health level of people and nature are mirrors.
So when I feel dis-anything, even depressed, my practice is to dive in to that with full acceptance and awe because the more I feel it, the bigger perspective and motivation I gain, and the quicker it dissolves.
This is the quality of erudition: deciding to use awareness of what exists in our experiences to develop great knowledge and learning, joy and full engagement.
So fiance’s are engaged to each other. But are they engaged to loving their own very nature of creating powerful health? Or do they putter around with a mind focused on entertainment, spewing exhaust into the planet and their relationship? To what degree do I conceive paramount ideas as completely separate? ie: can I authentically be engaged to another person without considering my personal level of engagement to reality?
Does my awareness allow ideas merge ?
Like, what if we are dedicated to the idea of engaging into life in an orgasmic sensation of vibrancy. Imagine the quality of a partnership engagement created from that foundation!
Does my awareness allow ideas merge ?
Like, what if we are dedicated to the idea of engaging into life in an orgasmic sensation of vibrancy. Imagine the quality of a partnership engagement created from that foundation!
Why does this matter?
Because our mission as humans is to be engaged in the process of raising saints. Saints are engaged in life. Be honest about the degree and quality of your ecstatically engaged experiences. Can you decide now to become a saint and be there for raising saints? You deserve it and the natural laws demand it. Decide. Be. Do!
There was a point where my perception was focused poorly and I was not feeling engaged with the vibrant life force. An effective solution to diffusing the lies of limiting beliefs is by tuning the mind, heart and awareness into the honest ideas of existence and life intelligence. As we chose to value.. establish and build the foundation of engagement with life energy through achievement of sufficient desired feelings, engagement of all kinds improve their depth and expression.
What we perceive, we achieve.
How do you perceive your current energy?
What feelings do you perceive when you go to bed and wake up?
These are a result of what we are engaged in.
Choose my programming, achieve my choice.
Its simple.
And fun.
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