Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The most natural way to cure saddle sores, acne while simultaneously gaining powerful healthy

Another opportunity to light up any darkness.

Saddle sores, acne and athletes foot, all from not getting enough sun and ventilation.

So I Go somewhere I won't be arrested for taking off all my clothes, and expose the affected area directly to the sun.  This simply feels very healthy for me at anytime not only with saddle sores.  No sunscreen allowed!  Eat some whole, colorful plant foods, that is natures sunscreen.

Luckily in San Diego we have blacks beach where people can connect in entirety to the Sun of God.

The organ that is our skin likes it.

It feels liberating and that some people have areas of skin that will never directly absorb sunlight is insane! If we mummify our body Its clear why one would get sick and rigid.

the spontaneous connection

Do you ever see someone who you want to talk to but get caught in your head about the approach?

Follow the Inner-action for an interaction. 

"I want to say Hi
And It's difficult to say exactly why.
I could see us being friends
at least for a minute

sharing ideas
and laughing a lot. "

What motives could I have for this urge of connection?
A few of many facets of attractiveness. 

Physical appearance
Mental frequency
Degree of flow or stress
Heart openness
Communication style
Relationship Cultivation

How often do I feel impelled to reach out to a 'stranger' but hold myself back for some reason?

There's a difference between being invasive and inviting people to be. Invasion seems to happen when we are attached to expectations, illusions, or one way of experiencing life. Invitation to be true happens in being open to experiencing what is happening.

The only thing I expect is being open to the most powerful synchronicity that come from the law of the most high. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Perpendicular to the rut

The rut is when I get stuck doing something easy and comfortable.  Only with awareness and intention can I see the rut. The ego likes to pretend there is no rut.  With the power of F'un we can transform uncomfortable to Funcomfortable, and create a new, fun way.  The shift is as easy as perceiving fear as excitement instead.  Boredom as opportunity.

for example today I made a mate latte instead of coffee and its a worthwhile shift to gratefully absorb that different mineral profile. Last mid night I rode 20 miles in the rain instead of taking the train, because my body and mind were open to that adventure.  I started chewing gum to clean my teeth and move my face muscles differently.  I started doing back and shoulder exercises that feel amazing!I started chanting and singing mantras.

It's all happening.

What's next?  I'm game. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sunmerge - Sunscreen is for sheeple

Rub Rub Rub, swipe, swipe.

The sound of applying sunscreen.

I'm yet to meet someone who likes putting it on.

I would prefer California Avocado on my skin.  Or fresh kelp. Or coconut oil.

Truthfully, the sun is amazing why would I choose to screen it out?

Introducing Sunmerge.

Sunmerge is another example of obeying natural scientific laws and experiencing winning results. We can care for the skin organ, as our entire mind body system, by eating a diet rich in beautiful fruits and vegetables and spring water. Swimming in the mineral rich ocean or river regularly, and using algae or kelp for an occasional moisturizing scrub can help on top of that.

Try these tips and update me on your results.

The light of sun and richness of the earth grows the bounty that allows me to embrace the sun in return.

Sunmerge tactics are fun, healthy and they work.  It's scientifically proven that vitamin E, cartenoids and phytochemicals in fresh produce protect the skin from sun burn. And as with anything, practice.  15 minutes today, 3 hours next month, all day eventually.

One common objection is: "what about older people with leathery skin? I don't want that." Consider that they are leathery because they have a poor diet, alcoholic or smoker habits.   Also, I'm not promoting over exposure.  Simply, embracing the right amount of sun for our personal situation.  And Our situation can always be changed. Emotion follows action.

Without getting too detailed, the main point I want to make is that this works for me - I have not used sunscreen in years and my skin responds amazingly to sun.  Don't forget that a hat and long sleeves are also an alternative to using sunscreen and sitting under trees or in the shade is also a part of the sunmerge lifestyle.

  • Cartenoids beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin best known for vision protection. Recently found by a study in Korea to "significantly reduce skin inflammatory responses". a strong antioxidant that may defend against some of the deleterious effects of solar radiation."
  • Concentrated Lutein sources: Dark Leafy Greens - spinach, dandelion, collards, chard, mustard and turnip greens, kale. beta carotene and mineral rich foods include carrots, yams.
  • My experience is that eating abundant, unlimited organic plant,herbs is the way to go rather than focus too much on the nutritional data

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Toxicologists nightmare or Mind Body fitness opportunity?

Yes. USA's combustion engine commuting habits as a poisonous insanity.

And I get it, it's comfortable.

Bored, fat, and sick as hell, but comfortable.

Addicted to the undervalued inconvenience of gas pumps, a slow rape to human health and longevity, to the planet earths marvelous atmosphere and air quality.

This, friends, is why I have ridden a bicycle almost every day for the last several years. And why I smile so big when I see all the people I know who also ride every day!

Because its fun, and full of excitement, new experiences. Including being sexy as can be. Inside and out.