Sunday, June 5, 2016

I give thanks

I am capable 

I am powerful

Feeeeeling this truth in my spine


Paul J. Butler

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Finland #1 in education - How it differs from USA

The math teacher has a priority. He wants the kids to be happy.

The principal has a priority. She wants the kids to play.

When building the playground, the school children had a say in the design.

Finland's schoolchildren attend class for the least amount of time per day and year - yet they are ranked the highest in results.

Their learning protocol is action based.

And to cap it off, teachers do not assign school children any official homework!

Block to Yoga described in Sigmund Freud's words

The goal of yoga is known to be obtaining mastery over revolving thought waves in the mind. Attachment proves to make this interesting, to say the least.

But lets say we establish habits of mind waves that are on desired frequencies of exponential growth, passion, co-creation,, compassion, humor, etc.. that is a very practical form of Yoga for the opportunities of today.

Here is what Freud wrote about what he observed about a famous poet friend.  They were on a beautiful nature walk - yet  the friend was unable to feel any joy.

Some powerful emotional factor was at work which was disturbing their judgement, and I believed later that I had discovered what it was. What spoilt their enjoyment of beauty must have been a revolt in their minds against mourning. The idea that all this beauty was transient was giving these two sensitive minds a foretaste of mourning over its decease; and, since the mind instinctively recoils from anything that is painful, they felt their enjoyment of beauty interfered with by thoughts of its transience.