Tuesday, May 12, 2015

If you disagree with me...

Can you still remain present and positively engaged?

Agree or not, or somewhere in between, I invite you to share.

Life would get boring to only be around people who agree all the time.  But if you do, that is fine too!

I enjoy the practice of authentically disagreeing.  Especially when both parties engage their curious amazement of life, expanding awareness and remaining in human harmony while at the same time embracing different opinions.

I suppose this is a big part of what maturity is.


I hate drinking coffee when I'm tired!

I love fresh roasted coffee when I'm wide awake!

Thank God coffee is part of my balanced super food cornucopia.  And for all the craft coffee companies that have created clean, inviting spaces to provide holistic earthy supplements for cyclists, runners, cross fitters, artists and change makers.  I noticed these first rate coffee spots don't really attract the worst type of coffee drinker.  The yawner.

The yawner relies on coffee as their primary energy source.  The yawner allows coffee to be a drug that fuels mediocrity. Similar to when the sex ed teacher warns against unprotected sex while under the influence, the yawner has no real confidence in their ability and relies on drugs to mask their identity in a kind of stimulated haze.

Inspired humans enjoy coffee as a supplement to their primary, enjoyable, graceful health habits that further fuels their purpose.

The inspired human normally enjoys Gods primary gifts first upon waking.  pure water, fruit, conscious focus, moving the body, smiling, hugging, breathing, stretching, meditation, whole foods, whatever works to prime the temple for a sustainable day.

Then, tea or coffee is an herbal, magical catalyst to further increase our experience of life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Permission to manifest a desire

Everybody has experience with the law of attraction   This is where our predominant thought patterns are a filter through which the unlimited grace of reality transform and manifest as emotions, energy and physical form.

In my clearxperience, there is a certain mindset that determines whether or not certain desires manifest.

Permission.  If I really desire a thing deeply enough, I'll give myself permission to be, act and attract it. I give myself permission to embody an energy state required to manifest the desire. Its basically another way to describe choice and decision.

If we really want something, and are living on the positive side of life, we give ourselves permission to get it, and then we are free to get it.

Desire without permission is self imposed prison. When there is no permission, I hold back.  In other words, permission is making a decision... I simply resonate with the concept of self permission. Perhaps because I was still used to seeking permission from outside sources.  Perhaps because I was brain stained to believe a higher power was only outside of me, which made me separate, or even less, and I had to ask for its permission.

Desire with permission is liberation. Inner Freedom.
Now my brain is washed.  A higher power is in me, keeps my heart beating.  I embody it as a tool, which I focus and sharpen according to my goals.